You must have heard about Snapchat’s new features. Yes, they rule over the internet and have created quite a stir among friends. Well, if you are already a user of Snapchat, you might know about the planets. However, if you are yet to get familiarized with this new solar system, this article is just for you!
Stick to the article until it ends, and you will stay caught up with this new social media trend.
What is Snapchat?
Like any other social media platform, Snapchat is an American messaging application where you can connect with your friend, chat, and send funny stickers. One thing distinguishing Snapchat from other messaging applications is that all the messages and chats are available for a short time. They will disappear after a short period. Moreover, if you take screenshots, the other person will immediately be notified of your actions.
Difference Between Snapchat and Snapchat Plus
In 2022, Snapchat Company introduced a new and updated version, Snapchat Plus. To avail of the facilities of Snapchat Plus, you must pay the monthly, half-yearly or annual subscription fee. At the same time, the old Snapchat is free.
Snapchat Plus comes with exciting new features. One of them is the new solar system. Well, you know the solar system with the planets and the sun. Other features include changing the icon, checking who has rewatched your story, and marking friends into BFFS.
However, you must bear with the ads even if you get a premium membership. The Snapchat authority has confirmed that there will be ads like before, even if you pay your subscription fee.
What are Snapchat Planets?
One of the additional features of Snapchat Plus is the new Snapchat Planets feature. Snapchat planets are simply designations that your friends give based on how close you two are and frequently you have contact with them. Each planet has a name, like our solar system. You can get your crash course done from this article!
How Snapchat Plus Planets Work?
Since you already know about our solar system, you need not know about them anymore. But if you still need to learn about it, get a crash course here. A solar system is a closed system when planets revolve around the sun.
First, to be anyone’s Snapchat plus planets or make anyone your planet, both of you have to be linked with a Bitmoji.
Well, you might not be the centre of your best friends’ group, but here you are. If you are a premium member of Snapchat Plus, then you are the sun. Your top eight friends will be your planets. Now there are two things:
- Friends
- Best friends
Friends: If you are in someone’s top eight most contacted list, then you are their friend.
Best Friends: If you are on each other’s top eight friends, you are each other’s best friends!
Now you can also be your best friend planets Snapchat.
Now why only eight, and why not the top ten? Well. This solar system strictly follows the organic solar system we are a part of.
Our solar system has only eight planets revolving around the sun. Hence, in Snapchat Plus planets, there are only eight of them.
But how would you know if you were among those eight planets? It is simple. Go to your friend’s profile if they have premium membership. You will see a gold badge of ‘Friends’ or ‘Best Friends’ under their Bitmoji image. Tap on that badge to see which planet you are to them.
Now, Snapchat will not tell you what your position is. It would be best if you went back to your elementary school knowledge to unravel this mystery.
Well, it is no rocket science. The closer you are, the closer your Snapchat planets order is your position. Let’s break it into their specific orders.
Snapchat Planets in Order
Since there are eight planets, they are named after our solar system, where you are the sun and your Snapchat best friends list planets:
- Mercury
- Venus
- Earth
- Mars
- Jupiter
- Saturn
- Uranus
- Neptune
You all know which is the closest to the sun, Mercury. So, if you have been assigned to Mercury, then you are the most intimate friend of your friend’s top eight friends. You are in the number 1 position!
If you are assigned to Venus, then you are in the second position of planet Snapchat. Don’t worry too much if you are assigned to Earth. You are the third nearest planet to their solar system.
The planet goes accordingly, then. If you are fourth in the list, then you will be assigned to Mars. Do not be sad and think too much if you are assigned to Jupiter. You are the fifth on the list.
Are you still trying to understand your Snapchat planets in order in the solar system? What did you get? Saturn? Do not think any far. You are the sixth in the line of the top eight friends.
Uranus is in a good position if you have made it to the solar system. Congratulations! You are among the eight planets of your friend’s solar system!
Hey! Please do not be sad. You are one of those eight planets of your friend’s solar system. You are assigned to Neptune. The last of the planets!
The case is similar in your solar system too! If your best friend is assigned to Mercury, do not be surprised! You have been sending hundreds of streaks every day to your friend! The list goes on the same way, i.e., Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
There are hundreds of instant messaging applications on the internet. And with the introduction of the 5G internet, online surfing has taken a significant leap. Snapchat has tried to increase its user density by introducing new planets on Snapchat? But these features are not accessible to everyone. If you want to enjoy these unique and funny new features, you will have to be a premium member of Snapchat Plus. How else are you going to be the Snapchat best friend planets in your friend’s solar system?
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